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Writer's pictureEmilia Quinn

And So 2022 Begins...

Happy New Year! A few days late but I'm okay with that. I spent the last few days with family, organising my house to start back fresh and building new habits.

This is as tidy as it gets, but I'm pretty pleased with it! Sorry, no before pics...

Full disclosure I am generally a messy person (not dirty, just stuff everrywheerree..) and it usually reflects my mind. But then it turns into a cycle where my mess follows my mind which then follows my mess and I spiral out into an unproductive hole.

No more. I am pledging to do my best at actually changing this habit. Hopefully this means more creativity, more room for music, demos, new material and so on because I won't be distracted by my cave of stuff. Being busy won't get in the way of my nice tidy environment... I hope.

2020 and 2021 were surprisingly busy and I'm hoping this year will be busy too, not so much in releases but more gigging, getting out and about solo and with my band. I do already have a couple of gigs coming up (see the tour tab for more info). Is there anywhere you want to see me play? Let me know via social media, I'm always looking for new and interesting places to visit and play. It's definitely a perk of being a touring musician, discovering new towns, cities and venues. I can't wait for more adventures!

Well, I'll leave it there for now, but I am pretty active in Patreon too so if you enjoy these random thoughts feel free to sign up and get more of this kind of thing, plus a bunch of other cool behind the scenes stuff and maybe even some clues as to what's coming up and help make the next dreams a reality at the same time!

Have a great year and I will see y'all soon!


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